Quiz 10 - Requires Respondus LockDown Browser

  • Due Mar 28, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 40
  • Questions 39
  • Available after Mar 22, 2022 at 12am
  • Time Limit 40 Minutes




!!!STOP!!! READ THIS!!!  

  • Did you complete Test Yourself 10 (in MS Teams--see question style and review course material which are both great study techniques)? Did Dr. J's feedback clarify any "muddy points" you might have had?
  • Did you explore EXPLORE 10 and complete all of the Learning Objectives 10 (Canvas--reviewing course material at various levels of Bloom's Taxonomy is a great study technique)? Did you reach out to your peers or Dr. J to get help with any learning objectives?
  • Did you write an applied quiz question (THIS NEEDS TO BE YOUR OWN QUESTION distinct from the applied quiz question submitted as part of Test Yourself 07)? Did you reach out to Dr. J to get feedback on your quiz question? Did you look over the 14 rules of writing multiple choice questions?

If you answered "Yes" to all questions above, you should be ready to start Quiz 10.


You will be given 40 minutes to complete this 20-point quiz. It consists of 18 multiple choice and short answer questions. The last two points are earned for your individually written applied quiz question, so make sure you have the question handy to type into the text box for Question 19. Your applied quiz question will be graded as follows: 0.5 points question relates to the learning objectives, 0.5 points correct answer is correctly identified, 0.5 points 3 distractors are plausible and convincing, and 0.5 points question is applied.  

Some of the multiple-choice and short answer questions are designed to assess your ability to remember or recall (lower level of Bloom's Taxonomy) basic and foundational pieces of knowledge related to this course. The majority of questions are designed to assess your ability to think critically about the subject (high level of Bloom's Taxonomy. Applied questions will require you to think critically and apply the learned material rather than just memorizing a specific answer. Also, keep in mind that there might not be enough time to search through your textbook. Applied questions will require you to think critically and apply the learned material rather than just memorizing a specific answer.

Please read each question carefully before reading the answer options. Be aware that some questions may seem to have more than one correct answer, but you are to look for the answer that makes the MOST sense and is the BEST CHOICE. 


This quiz is due before Monday March 26th at 11:59pm.


*Please Note: using websites to search the answers to the quiz questions, or to post/share questions or answers is considered cheating.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes