Course Syllabus

PET 4550C - Syllabus Banner.png

EXSC 3270: Exercise Testing and Prescription

Department of Exercise Science and Outdoor Recreation 

3 Credit Hours

Table of Contents

Instructor Information 

  • Instructor: Nicolas Clark
  • Office Location: RL 147M
  • Office Hours: M-F by appointment
  • Phone: 801-863-8608
  • Digital Contact: Canvas@UVU messaging

Course Information

  • Term: Fall 2021
  • Course Number & Section: 12963 - EXSC 3270 - 001
  • Course Name: Exercise Testing and Prescription
  • Credit Hours: 3
  • Class Meeting Days: TR
  • Class Meeting Time: 8:30–9:45am
  • Class Location: LA 104
  • Lab Location: RL 111
  • Course Modality: Face-to-face

Enrollment Requirements 

Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): All with a C- or higher and (MATH 1050 or MATH 1055), and University Advanced Standing.

  • ZOOL 2320 (or 232H)
  • ZOOL 2325 (or 232L)
  • ZOOL 2420 (or 242H)
  • ZOOL 2425 (or 242L)
  • EXSC 270G, and EXSC 3270

Course Description

Teaches key concepts related to exercise testing and program design for healthy populations and populations with controlled disease. Explores concepts in team, group, and individualized assessment and programming. Emphasizes principles in anatomy, exercise physiology, behavior modification, motivation, health promotion, fitness assessment and prescription. Encourages students to sit for certification exams upon course completion.

Course Materials and Resources

Optional Resources

  • Haff & Dumke. Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics.
  • Gibson, Wagner, & Heyward. Advanced Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription 8th Edition. Human Kinetics.
  • ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription 10th edition. Wolters Kluwer Health.
  • NSCA's Guide to Test and Assessments. Human Kinetics.

Hardware/Software Requirements

The following hardware and software technologies are needed to complete assignments:

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Conduct and organize primary data collection.
  • Assess and evaluate height and weight measurements following standardized procedures and norms.
  • Calculate metric conversions and the units recommended by the International System of Units (SI).
  • Calculate measures of central tendency of a data set.
  • Complete self-guided and professionally supervised screening documents and forms.
  • Assess and evaluate blood pressure utilizing a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope at rest and during exercise.
  • Determine the resting metabolic rate by the use of equation and indirect measures.
  • Conduct submaximal and maximal aerobic and anaerobic tests and evaluate performance from tests.
  • Evaluate outcomes from submaximal and maximal aerobic and anaerobic tests.
  • Assess and evaluate body composition through the use of skinfolds and anthropometry.

Course Activities

Laboratory Activities (20%)

Laboratory Activities are programed for this semester. These Laboratory Activities will be graded at the instructor's discretion. It is the student’s responsibility to bring the appropriate Laboratory Activity Sheet (available through Canvas) to the class. Students should have regular access to the internet and plan on logging into the course at least twice each week. In case the Laboratory Activity sheet is not submitted, incomplete, or suspected to be a copy from another student, it is at the instructor's discretion to invalidate the Laboratory Activity Sheet and give the student zero points. Also, students are expected to appropriately scan the Laboratory Activity Sheets in case they are filled manually. It is also at the instructor's discretion to invalidate Laboratory Activity Sheets that are not appropriately scanned or uploaded. No make-up Laboratory Activities will be allowed without written documentation of a medical excuse or notice of university-sponsored events, religious observances, or legal obligations prior to the assignment deadline. It is at the instructor's discretion to choose the appropriate makeup activity for students. No more than three makeups will be allowed per student.

Discussions (15%)

Canvas discussions will be graded at the instructor's discretion. Students should have regular access to the internet and plan on logging into the course at least twice each week. Students are expected to post their responses to the questions and respond to at least two other students deliberating the topics in question in a civilized manner. No make-up exams will be given without written documentation of a medical excuse or notice of university-sponsored events, religious observances, or legal obligations prior to the Discussion deadline date.

Concept Checks (15%)

Students will complete concept checks after each module before attending lab activities. Students are expected to read the modules first before taking the concept checks. Students can take each concept check up to three times to obtain full credit in this assignment. No make-up concept checks will be given without written documentation of a medical excuse or notice of university-sponsored events, religious observances, or legal obligations prior to the Concept Check dates. 

Creative Project (15%)

Students will prepare one creative project. Students will work individually or in groups (three maximum). This project will test students’ mastery of discussing assessments and respective exercise prescriptions. This project can be presented in different formats: video presentation, podcast, essay. Other formats may be also accepted. Please check with instructor beforehand. The main purpose of this project is to demonstrate/discuss the process of testing and prescribing exercise to healthy individuals. This project must be uploaded and embedded to Canvas before the due date. Students that don't upload their project on time will not receive credit for their assignment. No make-ups will be given without written documentation of a medical excuse or notice of university-sponsored events, religious observances, or legal obligations prior to the presentation deadline.

 Exams (30%)

There will be three exams that may cover any and all materials covered in the required book. The student’s responsibility is to participate in class activities, take notes, read the chapters, and complete assignments. Students are required to work independently on the exams and take them online. A Laptop, computer, or tablet with access to the internet will be required for each exam. In case the student does not have access to one, it is the student's responsibility to communicate this to the instructor within the first 3 weeks of the course. Exams will be open for an entire day. No make-up exams will be given without written documentation of a medical excuse or notice of university-sponsored events, religious observances, or legal obligations prior to the exam date. It is under the instructor's discretion the format of the make-up exams, in case one is necessary. If a student misses an exam without prior notification to the instructor, it will result in a zero. 

Participation (5%)

Students will be evaluated on their participation throughout the course following this rubric:

Beginner Intermediate Proficient Advanced
  • Little or no preparation in advance.
  • Lets others set and pursue the agenda.
  • Observes passively and say little or nothing.
  • Responds to questions.
  • Gives the impression of wanting to be somewhere else.
  • Attendance record is haphazard and inconsistent; may be absent or late without notice.
  • Moderately prepared in advance.
  • Takes some part in setting group goals and agendas. 
  • Participates in discussions, letting others provide the direction.
  • Occasionally introduces information or shows involvement.
  • If likely to be absent or late, informs the instructor ahead of time and arranges to cover their own responsibilities.
  • Well prepared in advance.
  • Takes a large part in setting group goals and agendas.
  • Actively participates in discussion and asks questions.
  • Listens actively and shows understanding by paraphrasing or by acknowledging and building on others’ ideas.
  • Volunteers willingly and carries their own share of the group’s responsibilities during group assignments.
  • All of the markers of proficient participation, plus:
  • Draws out ideas or concerns of others, especially those who have said little.
  • Re-visits issues or ideas that need more attention.
  • Helps the group stay on track.
  • Summarizes group decisions and action assignments.

Assessment and Grading Procedures

100 %
to 94.0%
< 94.0 %
to 90.0%
< 90.0 %
to 87.0%
< 87.0 %
to 84.0%
< 84.0 %
to 80.0%
< 80.0 %
to 77.0%
< 77.0 %
to 74.0%
< 74.0 %
to 70.0%
< 70.0 %
to 67.0%
< 67.0 %
to 64.0%
< 64.0 %
to 61.0%
< 61.0 %
to 0.0%

Programmed Course Content

  • Basic Data Collection
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Blood Pressure Measurement
  • Resting Metabolic Rate
  • Submaximal Exercise Testing
  • Maximal Exercise Testing
  • Musculoskeletal Fitness Testing
  • Body Composition Testing
  • Exercise Prescription
  • Designing Cardiorespiratory Programs
  • Designing Resistance Training Programs
  • Designing Weight Management and Body Composition Programs

University Services and Resources

Academic Services and Resources

A list of available academic support and learning services is available at UCF Student Services. Click on "Academic Support and Learning Services" on the right-hand side to filter.  

Non-Academic Services and Resources

A list of non-academic support and services is also available at UCF Student Services. Click on "Support" on the right-hand side to filter.  

If you are a UCF Online student, please consult the UCF Online Student Guidelines for more information about your access to non-academic services.

Policy Statements

Course Summary:

Date Details Due